Frequently Asked Questions
What is the time commitment when I sign up for classes?
Our season is from September until May. We produce a Spring Show in May!
The class is filled, will I have another opportunity to participate?
Unfortunately, our sign ups are on a first come first serve basis. Once the class is filled, we cannot add more students due to capacity limitations. We have a waitlist you can sign up for: please email schoolofthearts@impactpittsburgh.com and list your class of interest. You will be added to the waitlist and contacted as soon as class availability opens.
How do I know what class is best for me or my student?
Every class has an age range; but our desire is to place students in the best quality education for their individual abilities. If we feel you would benefit moving up a level, we will suggest this privately during the fall semester, and do our best to move you up when an opening is available.
Why do I have to take ballet in order to take jazz?
Ballet is the foundation of all dance. Within a ballet class, your student will learn proper technique and the professional dance etiquette required for all classrooms and all dance styles. Ballet not only helps with all dance forms, but there is outstanding research to support countless other benefits supporting the holistic person including but not limited to cognitive improvements, sensory development and social development.
Do you offer any discounts if I want to take multiple classes?
We do offer a discount for multiple classes. Please go to our “Finances” page to learn more.
If I have several students who would like to enroll at the same time, do you offer a discount?
We do offer a discount for additional students. Please go to our “Finances” page to learn more.
Is The Landing open for play during class?
Yes, within our following parameters. Family and siblings are welcome to use The Landing and Cafe during class time, but are expected to leave after class has concluded. Adult supervision is required for any student under 16 years old in Bouncy Blvd, Turf Field and Gymnasium. These spaces are open, provided they are not privately rented.
Is there a deadline for when I am able to register for class?
Registration will be open until September 12, or until we have reached capacity.
Is the cafe open during class hours?
The Cafe is open 10am-7pm Tuesday & Wednesday and 10am-6pm Thursday. Parents may continue to wait in the lounge area of the Cafe after the counter is closed.
What do I wear to class?
We have a firm dress code. Please visit our “What To Wear” page.
I need to withdraw from class. What is the cancelation policy?
Call the office to cancel registration. Students are expected to participate through our full season, which is September to May. Your registration fee will not be refunded. Students who miss more than four classes a semester will be automatically withdrawn.
I need financial assistance. Do you offer financial aid?
Please visit our “Finances” page to see our opportunities to apply for Apprenticeships and Scholarships.
I have the ability to bless others financially. How do I financially contribute to ISOTA?
Thank you for your generosity! Please visit our “Finances” page to learn how you can donate to ISOTA today!
Who is my instructor?
We have a wonderful staff here at ISOTA and look forward to meeting you. When you sign up for your class, you will receive an email confirmation that lists your primary instructor. Meet our staff and read their bios on the homepage of ISOTA!
Is Impact School of the Arts part of Impact Christian Church?
Yes! Impact Christian Church houses ‘The Landing’, which is the name of our multi-purpose community space. Impact School of the Arts is a branch of the church, housed at ‘The Landing’ in the multi-purpose gym area. You will see the new ISTOA sign in our Arts Wing
Will there be a show or recital?
Yes! At the end of the season, in May, we produce an end-of-the-year ‘Spring Show’.
Do you offer discounts or refunds for missed classes?
No discounts or refunds for missed classes. Make-up classes are scheduled in the event of illness or inclement weather.
What is your absence policy?
We are aware that many students in the Arts have multiple commitments. We are dedicated to training them here at Impact School of the Arts so that they can experience many performing opportunities and share their gifts with the world! Because of this, we allow four absences per semester. These absences also apply to sicknesses, family matters, etc. Please note that after four absences per semester, a notification will go home and the student will be automatically withdrawn after the subsequent absence.